Tent Camping

Situated in the lush forest of Kokee State Park is YWCA of Kauai Camp Sloggett. We offer a rustic and peaceful atmosphere in the heart of the 4,640 acre Kokee forest and the 1,800 acre Waimea Canyon State Park.

Wake to the misty peaks of Kawaikini and Mount Waialeale. Pause to watch the sun play over the multi-hued cliffs of Waimea Canyon, the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific”. Be at the hub of 45 miles of maintained hiking trails that lead you from the majestic Kalalau Lookout with its dramatic view of Kalalau valley and the Na Pali coastline, to the floor of arid Waimea Canyon.

The beaches of Kauai's sunny west side are a short drive away and are some of the loveliest found anywhere in the world.

Tent Camping

Pitch your own tent on campgrounds. Kitchenette and bath facilities available.
Children five & under are free and ages 6 to 12 are $5/person.
Make a Reservation

Hostel / Bunkhouse

Individuals stay in Weinberg bunkhouse. Bunk style beds, kitchenette and bath facilities available. Mattresses provided. You provide sleeping bag and towels.
Children five & under are free and ages 6 to 12 are $5/person.
Make a Reservation


$95 M-Th; $110 Fr-Sun
Up to 4 individuals stay in this end unit studio with 2 double beds, a kitchenette and use of bath facilities in the Weinberg bunkhouse (usually exclusive use of bath facilities in the Mokihana wing).
Make a Reservation


$175 M-Th; $200 Fr-Sun
Up to 24 individuals stay in this combination of 10 bunk beds and two double beds in the Mokihana wing of the Weinberg bunkhouse and the Mokihana end unit studio. Private kitchenette and bath facilities available. You provide sleeping bags and towels.
Make a Reservation


$125 M-Th; $150 Fr-Sun
Up to 4 individuals stay in this cozy cabin with a king sized bed, a queen sized sofa sleeper, a complete kitchen, a wood burning fireplace and a bathroom with shower. Linens and towels provided.
Make a Reservation

Sloggett Lodge

$250 M-Th; $300 Fr-Sun
Up to 15 individuals stay in this quaint lodge with two bedrooms; each with a double bed and a bunk bed, and a main living room with sleeping couches and mattresses. The Lodge also includes an 800 sq. ft. covered patio for dining, meeting and recreation; a complete kitchen; a wood burning fireplace and a bathroom with shower. Mattresses provided. You provide sleeping bags, blankets, towels, etc.
Make a Reservation

Entire Grounds

$1,350 M-Th; $1,500 Fr-Sun
Larger groups reserve the entire grounds including all facilities and campgrounds for their exclusive use.
Make a Reservation


15% off YWCA of Kaua`i members
10% off Hawaii residents, businesses & organizations
10% off U.S. non-profit organizations

NOTE: Children under five years old free. Discounts may be combined.

Discount Guidelines
  • Kama`aina discount does not apply during any holiday or holiday weekend stays.
  • No discounts apply to Bunkhouse only ($15) or Tent Camping only ($15) stays.
  • If eligible, all three (3) discounts may be applied together (35% total) during non-holiday and non-holiday weekend stays.

Call the YWCA of Kaua`i at 245-5959 or make your request online at campingkauai.com. Reservations for The Lodge, The Cottage, The Mokihana and The Hale all require a minimum stay of 2 nights.

Walk In

Walk-in hostel and tent camping guests can usually be accommodated. Please call 335-2424 in advance to be sure.

Upon reaching Kokee State Park, stay on the main road until just past Kokee Lodge and the Kokee Museum. Take a right at the YWCA sign by the road and follow the dirt road 1/2 mile. Turn right at the wooden Camp Sloggett sign and follow the dirt road into the camp ground.

©2001 YWCA of Kauai — (808)245-5959 — 3094 Elua Street, Lihue, HI 96766 — Design: TsunamiMarketing