Proceeds from the rental of Camp Sloggett help support key YWCA community programs such as; sexual assault treatment, alternatives to violence & the Family Violence Shelter, girls after school programs & camp for girls.
Your name:
Street address: 
 State:   Zip: 
Do you already have a vacation to Kauai planned?  Yes   No 
What are you interested in reserving at Camp Sloggett?
If planning an event, what sort of event will you be hosting?
Number of people in your party: 
Planned date of arrival:
Planned date of departure:
Are these dates flexible?  Yes   No 
Request for additional information or requirements:

©2001 YWCA of Kauai — (808)245-5959 — 3094 Elua Street, Lihue, HI 96766 — Design: TsunamiMarketing